Olga Zhdanova , Senior Data Scientist – Physics and Machine Learning

Olga recieved her Ph.D in Physics from Tver State University. Her scientific interests include researching and characterization functional magnetic materials, modelling physical processes and phase transitions. At this time, she is an Associate Professor of Solid State Department at Tver State University, where she teaches the course of Computational Physics. Olga has more than 20 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
In addition, she has several years’ experience in the oil and gas industry. She has been working as a researcher in the Research Industrial Geophysics Center  in Tver , where she carried out experiments, analysed petrophysical research data and modeled petrophysical processes.

Olga prefers to spend her free time with family, friends and pets. She loves cinematography and tries to attend interesting movie premieres. Often times, in the company of friends, she attends some performances of local theaters.