Pipeline Diagnostics and Early Leakage Detection

SensoLeak has developed a system for the prognosis and diagnosis of evolving failures in mechanical parts.


The diagnostic system is based on a statistical algorithm that  processes the data from the sensors installed on the diagnosed mechanical part. Whenever the algorithm receives the data from the sensors, it calculates the “system health grade” (HG),  makes a decision on system normality and outputs alerts when necessary. These alerts are delivered to the equipment  operators in any form desired or required by the client.


  • Pipelines: oil, gas, water, petrochemicals, plants.
  • Rotating equipment: pumps, compressors, heat exchangers,  wind/gas turbines, power stations, nuclear facilities.


Canada, US, Europe, Russia, Central Asia, Africa, Australia, Japan,  Latin America, Mexico.


The system reports on evolving failures long before the formation  of a real failure. This is done by not only monitoring the diagnosed  part, but also a set of variables that influence it.

  • The system is self-adaptive to changes in the environment and doesn’t require any human intervention. This is attained as a result of the algorithm’s adaptive training.
  • A low rate of false alarms is attained through the use of explanatory  variables that describe changes in the explained variable.
  • The ability to acquire and process data from several types of sensors e.g. acoustic, seismic, electromagnetic, mechanical, chemical,  thermal, etc.
  • Scalable software without the need to install additional sensors or  equipment.
  • 24/7 online operation with no need for calibration even after  unreported changes in the conditions.